Batuhan Eralp

Medical Engineer and Software Developer

About Me

I'm a medical engineer who specializes in artificial intelligence solutions in healthcare.
Software development is both a work and a passion for me that drives me to work, learn and elevate myself endlessly.

I graduated from Galatasaray Highschool in 2016 (148). I achieved great success there both academic and extra-curricular becoming Music Club's co-president and participating in voluntary work. I enrolled in Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University's Engineering Faculty's Medical Engineering program which led me to an inclusive curriculum in various fields of biotechnology like nanomedicine, biosensors, medical electronics, biostatistics, biomaterials, etc. However, since my sophomore year, I became more interested in software as medical devices.

For 2 years, I have been involved in various projects within my school under the umbrella of Acibadem Data Analysis Laboratory (ADALAB) as the Head of Student Projects. I was involved heavily involved in computer vision projects however I also became more involved in Natural Language Processing. I also worked at Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University IT Department, Hemosoft, Softtech and University of South Carolina Siemens Healthineers as Software Development Intern to further my knowledge on various topics such as IoT, data analysis and structure, dashboards, animation, and web design also learning Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, C#, and Java by applying them on tasks I got from aforementioned companies along the way.

Currently, I obtain my master's degree on Artificial Intelligence in Ozyegin University.